What do we mean by revival? Revival is a time when Christians are restored to their first love for Christ, when sham and hypocrites are exposed, when bitterness and strife which exist in the body of Christ are revealed and when such changes are affected in the lives of Christians that sinners are brought to Christ in great numbers— Revival is walking in the light with Jesus and letting Him live His life in us. The word “revive” applies to that which has life, in this case those who already know Christ as Lord and Savior. To revive is to come back to health and vigor, to flourish again after decline, to come back into use, to become valid, effective, efficient, or operative again. Ref: Hosea 6:2; 14:7. Isa. 57:15; 59:1-2. Hab. 3:2, Ezra 9:9. Ps. 80:18; 85:6; 138:7.
*Prayer is the secret to revival: II Chron. 7:14
*The Word of God is the rule to revival: Psalm 119: 25, 107
*God’s love and kindness is the base to revival: Psalm 119: 88, 159
*God’s promise is the key to revival: Psalm 119:50
*God’s righteousness is the bridge to revival: Psalm 119:149; Isaiah 1:27.
I’ve been traveling on this journey, for many, many years,
I’ve climbed up mountains, walked thru valleys, crying hard and bitter tears;
But in that day of sweet forever, where my feet no more will roam,
I’ll lift my voice to all of heaven, in praising the Lord, I’ve made it home.
I’ve made it home to the Father, I’ve made it home to the Son,
I’ve made it home to the Holy Spirit, forever to worship all Three as One;
When crowns of life all have been given, as we bow before His throne,
I’m gonna shout, ‘O hallelujah,’ praise the Lord, I’ve made it home.
I’ve been tempted, tried, and tested, in battles lost and battles won,
The precious blood of my Redeemer, has covered every step I’ve run;
I’ve found His grace is all sufficient, and I’ve never been alone,
Now thru all the endless ages, O praise the Lord, I’ve made it home.
REVIVAL: Positioning the Church for Greater Harvest –Matt. 9:35-38
“If we are too busy using our sickles on each other, we will miss the harvest” (Vance Havner).
Confession: Teach me, O God, so to use all the circumstances of my life to bring forth fruits of holiness rather than the fruits of sin.
“If we ask the “why me” question in regard to our burdens, we should also ask it in regard to our blessings” (Dale Turner).
Confession: Lord! Teach me how to express your kind of love under every circumstances of my life to give attraction to the unmerited.
“We demonstrate God’s grace when we refuse to hold grudges against those who hurt us. After all, God did that for us” (Chuck Swindoll).
Note: As builders, we need materials to build with –Matt. 7:24-27; 1Cor. 3:12
*Let me use disappointment as material for patience.
*Let me use challenge as a material for confidence.
*Let me use suspense as material for perseverance.
*Let me use danger as material for courage.
*Let me use fear as material for trust.
*Let me use reproach as material for longsuffering.
*Let me use pain as material for endurance.
*Let me use praise as material for humility.
*Let me use pleasures as material for temperance.
*Let me use success as material for thankfulness.
—John Baillie
Confession: May we not only be driven more by the things that make us comfortable, Lord! Help us to consider the things that make us more convicted.
REVIVAL: Positioning Ourselves for Better Living –John 2:23-25
Text: Many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which He did, but Jesus did not commit Himself unto them, because He knew all men, and needed not that any should testify of man: for He knew what was in man. Confession: I will rather live for Jesus’ acceptance than seeking for people’s acceptance. (It is frustration and rejection living for people’s acceptance).
What is you belief like? John 3:1-8
Verse 2: It requires seeking of the Lord
= It requires knowledge of the Lord
= It requires the doing of the Lord
=It requires relationship with the Lord
Jesus’ answers Verses 3, 5, 6, and 8
= Except a man is born-again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
= Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
= That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
= The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is anyone who is born of the Spirit.
Reception: The reception Jesus gave to Nicodemus and the one for the crown (John 6:37).
“All that the Father gives me shall come to me, and him that comes I will in no wise cast out.”
True Believers: John 8:28-32
= To know the person of Christ
= Knowing and doing what pleases the Lord
= The disciples that continued in His Word
= Abiding in the truth
False Believers: John 8:33-35
= Being religious (Abraham seed)
= False claim (were never in bondage of man)
= Slaves to sin
= Non committed
Believers Sharing in the Love of Christ (Life Application Exercise): John 11:1-53
Verses 1-10
Response: (Emphasis on Mary. Vs2, Jesus her source of help Vs3, your affliction is for God’s glory Vs4, Delay is not denial Vs6, Enemies plot will not stop God’s plan Vs8, Walking in the light makes the different Vs9-10.
Prayers: Father help me to walk in the light that I will not stumble in life—IJN
Verses 11-19
Response: Jesus gives solution to cases Vs11, His thought is not like ours Vs13, gospel of power demonstration Vs15, Beware of those fire extinguishers Vs16, Time does not count Vs.17, Jesus is the best comforter (so cry your cry) Vs19.
Prayers: Father, I know you have an appointed time, may I never end my Journey halfway—IJN
Verses 20-31
Response: Draw near to Him Vs20, present your case with assurance Vs21, He gives hope to the hopeless Vs23, there is abundance life in Christ Vs24-26, just believe for who He is Vs27, He is a friend and a Master Vs28, be quick to respond for the His call Vs29, sympathizer’s action Vs31.
Prayers: Father, may my false sympathizer be suddenly disappointed—IJN
Verses 32-42
Response: Worship Him, demonstrate confidence in His person/power Vs32, nobody can cry your cry more than you Vs33, Jesus troubled and wept a sign of His deep love, Vs33-36, Jesus proved them wrong/cleared their doubt Vs37, take you away the stone no matter how strong your reason Vs39, you will see God’s glory Vs40, He gives thanks for the past/present Vs41-42.
Prayers: Father, put an end to my troubles, wipe away my tears, & glorify Christ in my life—IJN
Verses 43-53
Response: He called out the dead to live Vs43, the power to loose the bound Vs44, believers of the miracle Vs45, the enemies of good will, evil conspirators, opposing good work Vs46-48, and the prophecy according to God’s plans Vs49-52,
Prayers: Any counsel of the wicked against my life, family, & ministry be turned to naught—IJN
Prayer points continues—